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10-year plan to progress without NHS Assembly input

How successful will the proposed NHS Assembly be in creating a long-term solution to the NHS crisis?


A long-term plan to drive health service policy for the next 10 years will be drawn up without the aid of the new NHS Assembly, it has been reported.


A paper discussed at a joint board meeting of NHS England and NHS Improvement in May set out how the new forum would help co-design the proposed NHS 10-year plan.


But the Health Service Journal (HSJ) reports the assembly will not be launched until November, too late to participate in drawing up the plan, development of which is expected to start at the end of July.


The board papers said the assembly would oversee the progress of the NHS five year forward view and ‘build on the recommendations of NHS England’s empowering people and communities task force’.


Members of the assembly will include national clinical, patient and staff organisations; the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector; NHS arm’s-length bodies; and leaders from integrated care systems, sustainability and transformation partnerships (STPs), trusts, clinical commissioning groups and local authorities.


A funding settlement for the next five years has also been produced to aid the plan. The government has agreed to increase NHS England’s budget by an average of 3.4% over the next five years. This follows increases averaging just 1% in the years since 2010.


HSJ reports that talks are going on with Healthwatch England, medical royal colleges, and other organisations about how the plan will be drawn up. STPs and integrated care system leaders may be involved.


Further information

HSJ: ‘NHS Assembly’ will not get input to long-term plan

HSJ: Trusts must co-own the 10 year plan for the NHS

Wilmington Healthcare: NHS Assembly to co-design 10-year plan

Wilmington Healthcare: NHS England to get 3.4% funding rise