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£300m extra for health services in Northern Ireland

Will the additional money give the health service in NI the boost it needs?

Health and care services in Northern Ireland are to receive an additional £300m in a deal in which Democratic Unionist Party MPs will support the Conservative Government at Westminster.

Prime Minister Theresa May agreed a total extra investment of £1bn over two years in return for the Ulster party’s support, which will enable the mjnority Conservative government to continue in power.

Some £200m of the total is to be spent on health service transformation, £50m on mental health, and £50m on addressing immediate pressures.


  • The extra resources will create something of a breathing space in Northern Ireland and allow some transformation work to take place, but that the province’s health services are still under huge pressure.
  • What do you think may be the political impact of Northern Ireland getting extra money when other parts of the UK are also feeling the impact of austerity?
  • The extra cash will ease immediate pressures. However, do you think money will remain an issue for Northern Ireland’s health services?

Further information

UK Government: Conservative and DUP Agreement and UK Government financial support for Northern Ireland