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Audit shows mortality rate drop for heart failure patents

What is the improvement in the mortality rate for heart failure patients admitted to hospital?

The national heart failure audit says the mortality rate for people admitted to hospital with the condition has dropped, saving around 500 lives in 2015/16 compared to the previous year.

NHS England claims the drop, from 9.6% mortality to 8.9%, shows more people are being provided with crucial medicines for heart disease as well as greater access to treatment by heart specialists.

Tackling heart failure is becoming a more significant challenge for the NHS due to the ageing population.

The audit is based on an analysis of 66,695 admissions to English and Welsh hospitals where the patient’s main diagnosis is for heart failure. It uses data from 82% of all heart failure admissions in England and 77% of those in Wales.

Further information

British Society for Heart Failure: The national heart failure audit

NHS England: Hundreds more people surviving heart failure, independent study finds