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Cancer services improving, says report

Will all patients get the full benefit of improvements?

Cancer survival rates are the highest ever and patients are reporting that care is good, said NHS national cancer director Cally Palmer.

According to Achieving world-class cancer outcomes – progress report 2016/17, the NHS is on track to transform cancer services in England by 2020/21.

New models of care are making sure cancer is diagnosed earlier and survival rates will improve, says the report.

Between 2016/18 £130m will be put into new and improved radiotherapy equipment.

Cancer alliances have been set up between clinical leaders, healthcare workers, charities and patients to co-ordinate care, explains the report.

Over the next two years £200m will go towards improving fast diagnosis with five pilot sites testing a new standard. The money will also enhance patients’ quality of life, said the report, with a quality of life metric measuring long-term patient outcomes.

Further information

NHS England: New technology, earlier diagnosis and better co-ordination of care in cancer