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CCGs get £400m to tackle deficits in 2018/19

Will £400m be enough to combat budget deficit CCGs?

NHS England has announced a £400m commissioner sustainability fund (CSF) to support cash-strapped clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) over 2018/19.

The regulator expects the targeted fund, together with the year’s CCG allocations, and the lifting of restrictions on ‘non-recurrent monies’ to enable commissioners to ‘live within their means’ next year.

But to be eligible for the CSF, CCGs must stick to a strict financial regimen. They must submit plans against fixed pre-CSF control totals, which will be set taking into account each group’s financial performance in 2017/18.

CCGs that have been set a deficit control total by NHS England will be eligible for the CSF. The value of the support will be aimed at bringing the CCG back to a position of in-year financial balance as long as the in-year control total is delivered. CCGs’ success in meeting these financial targets will be assessed quarterly.

CSF funding will not be available for any other CCGs, including a CCG whose financial position deteriorates from plan during 2018/19. The CSF will be payable based solely on financial performance.

Each CCG will be notified shortly by letter of their control total for 2018/19.

Further information

NHS England: Commissioner sustainability fund and financial control totals for 2018/19: guidance