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Children’s mental health services under huge pressure in Northern Ireland

Is lack of devolved government slowing reform in Northern Ireland’s health services?

The Department of Health in Northern Ireland has acknowledged it must do better after publication of a highly critical report into children’s mental health services.

The report by the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People describes a system under pressure with lengthy waiting times, unacceptable care at crisis points, and an over-reliance on medication.

Commissioner Koulla Yiasouma said that Northern Ireland was delivering yesterday’s services for today’s children, and called for urgent reform.

A health department spokesperson said it was a timely and important piece of work and that the department and senior health and social care leaders were committed to delivering real change.

Further information

NICCY: ‘Still waiting’ ― A rights based review of mental health services and support for children and young people in Northern Ireland

Department of Health NI: Department welcomes report into the review on children’s and young people’s mental health services