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Darzi says health and care needs extra £60bn by 2030

How much more money will the NHS need over the next decade?

Lord Ara Darzi estimates the health and care system will need up to an additional £60bn a year by 2030.

In his interim report reviewing health and care in the NHS, he says the health service should not only invest in itself, it must also invest in quality across social care, public health and wider social determinants.

He writes: ‘We have now reached a tipping point in the health and care system. The main sources of increased productivity are running out of road and the system’s ability to find other sources of revenue funding… is increasingly limited. The time has come for the government to abandon austerity in health and care and put forward a long-term funding settlement.’

Lord Darzi added that, despite the ‘collective state of post-traumatic stress disorder’ induced by former Health Secretary Andrew Lansley’s 2012 Health and Social Care Act, reform ‘needs to be back on the table’.

Prime Minister Theresa May has promised to negotiate a long-term financial settlement for the NHS.
NHS England’s revenue for 2018/19 is about £112.5bn.

Lord Darzi is a noted surgeon and has been a parliamentary under-secretary of state at the Department of Health. During his time in government Lord Darzi authored and implemented the review of the NHS, High quality care for all.

Further information

Institute for Public Policy Research: The Lord Darzi review of health and care: interim report