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Devon CCGs consider merger as part of integrated care plan

Why are Devon’s two struggling CCGs working on a merger?


Two financially troubled Devon clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) are considering a merger as part of a plan to achieve integrated care system status for their area.


Northern, Eastern and Western Devon CCG and South Devon and Torbay CCG are to decide whether to submit an expression of interest in merging the two organisations, Health Service Journal (HSJ) editors have reported.


The plan is said to be supported by NHS England, which expects the organisations to merge by April 2019. Potential benefits of the proposed merger are said to be that the new CCG would have a stronger negotiating position and would be able to cut operating costs.


At the end of 2016/17, NEW Devon CCG recorded the biggest cumulative deficit in England, and a further deficit of £50m deficit in 2017/18. South Devon and Torbay’s cumulative deficit currently stands at £14.5m.


NEW Devon CCG was recently given an improved rating of ‘good’ by NHS Improvement (it was previously ‘requires improvement’), while South Devon and Torbay CCG is rated ‘requires improvement’.


Further information

HSJ: Deficit stricken CCG wants merger with neighbour to help NHS ‘punch our weight’

Webpage: Wider Devon STP