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DHSC provides extra cash for NHS research and development

What difference will R&D cash make to health outcomes?


The Department of Health and Social Care is to give £215m towards helping people with long-term health conditions, mental health issues, obesity and to deal with an ageing population.


Announcing the funding last week, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt* said the money would also go towards developing the type of technology that allows people to have more control over their treatment.


Out of the funding, £65m will go to 13 National Institute for Health Research policy units. Their job will be to develop policy for decision makers on behavioural science, adult social care, older people and frailty, cancer awareness, screening and early diagnosis.


The remaining £150m will be given out over the next five years.


An additional £3m is also being given to nurses and midwives to develop new approaches to health and care and to improve patient experience.


*Matt Hancock, formerly at the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, has since replaced Mr Hunt as Health Secretary. Mr Hunt has moved to the position of Foreign Secretary.


Further information

Digital health: Hunt announces £215m cash injection into NHS research and development