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East Midlands Mental Health Transformation and Sustainability Network

Further to the continued success of the regional Mental Health Transformation and Sustainability Networks in 2017, we are delighted to announce we are holding a 13th East Midlands event.

Focus topics will be:

  • How are we moving towards commissioned, outcome based integrated ADHD services
  • Uncovering depression – adapting accountable care services to tackle hard to treat service users
  • Psychosis – Transforming patient outcomes and reducing the bed crisis (comparing two regions)

The aim of the network is to bring together like minded people from primary and secondary care, and associated organisations involved in the commissioning and delivery of services to care for and support patients with mental health conditions. This provides a platform for active discussion and exchange of ideas to cope with the commissioning challenges encountered in mental health in a more integrated way.

Feedback from previous meetings:

“Well organised and ran smoothly.”

“It was a positive professional experience which while always on task had the important level of informality that facilitated open discussion and networking.”

Main messages taken back to colleagues:

“The importance of well designed services for both Adult ADHD and EIP.”

“The importance of networking and developing an understanding of what is happening in other areas.”

“A better understanding of the challenges facing these issues.”


Chair: Mr Ifti Majid – Acting Chief Executive, Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

10.00      Registration and refreshments

10.30      Welcome: Mr Paul Midgley – Director of NHS Insight, Wilmington Healthcare

10.35      Introduction and context: Mr Ifti Majid

10.50      NHS England – update on community mental health services work programme: Ms Sarah Holloway – Senior Programme Manager: Mental Health Clinical Policy & Strategy Team, NHS England

Session One: How we are moving towards commissioned, outcome based integrated ADHD services

11.20      Adult ADHD – special interest clinic experiences: Dr Mithilesh Jha – Associate Clinical Director, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

11.40      Integrating transition with CAMHS and scaling up to cope with demand – the Northamptonshire approach: Dr Pradeep Dhall – Speciality Doctor, Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

12.00      Table Discussion: How do we move towards a comprehensive, commissioned, outcome based integrated ADHD service for adults in our STP area?

12.15      Feedback and Panel Q&A: Speakers plus Dr Sohrab Panday – Clinical Lead Mental Health Commissioning, Hardwick CCG

12.30      Networking and buffet lunch

13.15      Better Mental Health for All: Councillor Edward Davie – Chair, Lambeth Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee; Communities Lead, Mental Health Foundation

Session Two: Psychosis – Transforming patient outcomes and reducing the bed crisis

13.35      Implementing EIP in Northamptonshire: Ms Sue Jugon – Operations Manager, Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Dr Marlene Kelbrick – Consultant Psychiatrist, Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

13.55      Management of psychosis in the community: Dr Fabida Noushad – Consultant Psychiatrist, Assertive Outreach Team, Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust

14.15      Table Discussion: What progress are we making to transform patient outcomes and reducing the acute admissions for patients with psychosis?

14.30      Feedback and Panel Q&A: Speakers plus Dr Sohrab Panday; Dr Debasis Das – Consultant Psychiatrist, Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust; Quality Lead, School of Psychiatry, Health Education England East Midlands and Clinical Lead, Early Intervention Psychosis, East Midlands Clinical Network

14.45      Break and tea

Session Three: Uncovering depression – adapting accountable care services to tackle hard to treat service users

15.00      Using technology to meet NHS needs in mood disorder, self-harm and anxiety in young people and adults: Professor Richard Morriss – Professor of Psychiatry and Community Mental Health, University of Nottingham, and Honorary Consultant, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

15.20      Designing services with the patient in mind: Mr Mat Rawsthorne – Service User Consultant (Mood Disorders), University of Nottingham

15.40      Table Discussion: What are we doing locally to proactively uncover depression and tackle stigma?

15.55      Feedback and Panel Q&A: Speakers plus Dr Sohrab Panday

16.05      Summary and key learning points: Mr Ifti Majid

16.15      Meeting close

The regional Transformation and Sustainability Network meetings are initiated and organised by Wilmington Healthcare. The Mental Health events are supported by Lundbeck, Otsuka and Shire through the provision of financial sponsorship only. Delegates may include members of these companies and other companies who have paid to attend. All attendees from the companies above have had no input into the design or content of the agenda.

For further information contact the Wilmington Healthcare Events Team on 0845 121 3686 or at

You may have noticed we’ve changed our network name. For more information please read our announcement.