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East of England Diabetes Transformation and Sustainability Network

Further to the successful launch events held in the East Midlands, South East and North West areas, the new East of England Diabetes Transformation and Sustainability Network will hold its inaugural meeting in October. The network aims to support the commissioning of high quality, outcomes focused and value for money diabetes services that support your local STP delivery.

The network will bring together like minded people from across healthcare, local authorities, the third sector and other relevant stakeholders who are involved in the commissioning and delivery of services to prevent, care for and support patients with diabetes and associated health problems. The meetings will provide a platform for active discussion and exchange of ideas to deliver diabetes prevention and management in a more integrated way.


Chair: Professor Ian Macdonald – Professor of Metabolic Physiology, University of Nottingham

12.30    Registration and buffet lunch

13.30    Welcome: Mr Paul Midgley – Director of NHS Insight, Wilmington Healthcare

13.35    Chair’s Introduction – Transformation in the Prevention of Diabetes: Professor Ian Macdonald

13.45    NHS England update: Mr Tom Newbound – National Implementation Lead, NHS Diabetes Programme

Session One: Transforming Prevention of Diabetes

14.00    Diabetes Prevention Programme and the Treatment and Care Programme – progress: Dr Nick Morrish – Diabetes Clinical Lead, East of England Clinical Networks

14.15    Norfolk Diabetes Prevention Study: Professor Mike Sampson – Consultant Diabetes and Endocrinology, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

14.30    Table Discussion in STP Footprint Areas: “Scaling up diabetes prevention – DPP and beyond”

14.45    Feedback and panel Q&A: Speakers plus Ms Jacquie Lavin – Head of Nutrition and Research, Slimming World

15.05    Break and networking

Session Two: Transforming Outcomes for People with T2D

15.25    NEEDS – A new model of diabetes care: Dr Paul Driscoll – Chair and Medical Director, Suffolk GP Federation and Ms Sheila Smyth – Chief Nurse and Diabetic Lead, North East Essex CCG

15.40    Collaborative working for improved patient outcomes:  Dr Karunankaran Vithian – Clinical Lead, Colchester General Hospital, Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust

15.55    Table Discussion in STP Footprint Areas: “What can we adopt to transform outcomes for people with T2D within existing programme budgets?”

16.10    Feedback and panel Q&A: Speakers

16.30    Chair’s Summary, Evaluation and Close: Professor Ian Macdonald

The regional Diabetes Transformation and Sustainability Network events are supported by Napp through the provision of financial sponsorship only. Delegates may include members of this company and Novo Nordisk who have also paid to attend. Sponsors have had no input into the design or content of the event agenda.

For further information contact the Wilmington Healthcare Events Team on 0845 121 3686 or at