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[On-demand webinar] How should MedTech engage with the procurement towers?

The NHS’s 11 new procurement category towers are tasked with delivering significant cost and efficiency savings – and understanding how to engage with them is one of the key current challenges for MedTech.

In our free webinar we provide detailed analysis of the implications of the procurement towers.

Featuring Mark Hart, Tower Director of Tower 6, you’ll hear:

  • Practical advice on the type of value-based evidence suppliers should submit to prove how they can reduce the total care cost across patient care pathways
  • Top tips and good practice when engaging with the towers
  • Coverage of issues such as the impact of Purchase Price Index and Benchmarking (PPIB), the rise of managed service contracts, framework agreements and the role of SMEs


  • Mark Hart, Tower 6 Director – Cardio-Vascular, Radiology, Endoscopy, Audiology & Pain Management, Health Solutions Team
  • Steve How, Programme Director, Wilmington Healthcare
  • Oli Hudson, Content Director, Wilmington Healthcare

Complete the form below to watch the webinar.