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Introduction to the NHS

The NHS in England is complex, constantly changing and difficult to understand – all of which present real-world challenges for anyone providing it with a product or service.

This event will explain the NHS in plain terms, describing the organisations that make up the system, how they work together, are funded, what they are meant to achieve and what is changing.

This half-day event is for anyone seeking to better understand the NHS in England, particularly:

  • Those in pharma, med-tech and companies providing a product or service to the NHS, who need to understand their evolving marketplace
  • Those in NHS liaison and market-access teams, responsible for understanding and communicating change
  • Senior managers and board members who require a high-level NHS overview
  • People who are newly working with the NHS, in need of a one-stop primer

Download the agenda here>

Bookings are taken on a strictly first come, first served basis, and numbers are limited to 50.

For further information please contact the Wilmington Healthcare events team on 01892 752407 or