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East of England Mental Health Best Practice Sharing Transformation Group

Further to the continued success of the regional Mental Health Commissioning Networks in 2016 we held an inaugural East of England event.

The conference focused on:

  • Schizophrenia – Transforming patient outcomes and reducing the bed crisis (comparing two regions)
  • Depression – Recovery focus in the community to free up resources within secondary care
  • The art of the possible – transforming outcomes in adult ADHD

The network aimed to bring together like minded people from primary and secondary care, and associated organisations involved in the commissioning and delivery of services to care for and support patients with mental health conditions. It provided a platform for active discussion and exchange of ideas to cope with the commissioning challenges encountered in mental health in a more integrated way.

Please note this network changed name from the East of England Mental Health Commissioning Network.

Feedback from previous Mental Health Commissioning Networks:

“High quality presentations”, “Interesting presentations, discussions and networking opportunity”, “A very informative day”

Recommended for:

“Commissioning directors”, “Leads for mental health”, “Clinicians with management roles”, “CCG commissioning managers”

For further information contact the Wilmington Healthcare Events Team on 0845 121 3686 or at


Chair: Dr Caroline Dollery – Chair of CCG Board and Clinical Board Member, Mid Essex CCG; Clinical Director for East of England Clinical Network for Mental Health, Neurology and Learning Disability

10.30 Registration and refreshments

11.00 Welcome: Mr Paul Midgley – Director of NHS Insight, Wilmington Healthcare

11.05 Introduction and context: Dr Caroline Dollery

11.10 NHS England – update on community mental health services work programme: Ms Sarah Holloway – Senior Programme Manager: Mental Health Clinical Policy & Strategy Team, NHS England

Session One: Psychosis – Transforming patient outcomes and reducing the bed crisis (comparing two regions)

11.40 Implementing EIP in the East of England: Ms Helen Hardy – Head of Network – Mental Health & Dementia, East of England Clinical Network

11.55 Implementing EIP in the South: Ms Sarah Amani – Southern Region EIP Programme Manager, Oxford AHSN

12.10 Table discussion

12.25 Feedback and panel Q&A: Speakers

12.40 Networking and buffet lunch

13.20 Prevention: Councillor Edward Davie – Chair, Lambeth Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee; Communities Lead, Mental Health Foundation

Session Two: Depression – Recovery focus in the community to free up resources within secondary care

13.40 The cost of depression and developing a sustainable mental health service model for the long term: Dr Emma Tiffin – Mental Health Clinical Lead, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG

14.00 Views of people with depression for self care and support: Dr Caroline Dollery and Dr Alex Georgiadis – Research and Commissioning Manager, Healthwatch Essex

14.20 Table discussion

14.35 Feedback and panel Q&A: Speakers

14.50 Break and refreshments

Session Three: The art of the possible – transforming outcomes in adult ADHD

15.10 Adult ADHD – how big is the problem?: Ms Lisa Riches – Clinical Nurse Specialist/Non-Medical Prescriber, Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

15.30 The Norfolk and Suffolk Adult ADHD Service: Dr Jaap Hamelijnck – Consultant Psychiatrist, Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

15.50 Table discussion

16.05 Feedback and panel Q&A: Speakers

16.20 Summary and key learning points: Dr Caroline Dollery

16.30 Meeting close

This meeting was sponsored and supported financially by Lundbeck Otsuka Alliance and Shire Ltd