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Regional Mental Health Network – North West

The Regional Mental Health Network – North West meeting, is taking place on Tuesday 4th September and is the tenth to be held in this area.

Click here to register

This invaluable learning and networking event is free to attend for NHS and associated professionals.

The draft agenda is available to view here.

The afternoon is an opportunity to:

  • Share best practice
  • Devise actions to improve integrated care pathways
  • Discuss the challenges you’re facing
  • Learn from innovative local services

You will have chance to contribute to STP table discussions and network with
like-minded colleagues involved in the planning, commissioning and delivery of
Mental Health services.

This CPDSO accredited* event will be chaired by Dr James Kingsland OBE –
President, National Association of Primary Care; Chair, National Primary Care Network.

The final agenda will be released nearer the time. However in the meantime, please do sign up to the NHS Mental Health Networks portal and take a look at the content and outputs from the previous meetings.

For further information please contact