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The NHS: What’s Happening – Hosted in Birmingham

Understanding your customers in the new STP and ICS landscape.

Ticket price: £399 + VAT. All attendees receive a free copy of our NHS Guide 2018

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The NHS is going through systemic change as Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs) evolve into Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) and begin to work at a much larger scale to serve whole health economies.

For suppliers to the NHS this means a long-term reduction in the number of providers and commissioners meaning fewer points of sale. The impact of these changes for suppliers is that at every level of the NHS there will be new configurations of buyers and providers.

This will ultimately mean the NHS may be less fragmented and easier to navigate than before but competition between suppliers will intensify.

As STPs and ICSs develop further it is imperative your business gains a competitive edge by acquiring a comprehensive understanding of the new NHS landscape.

Join Wilmington Healthcare’s expert team of thought leaders for this essential event that will provide you with the knowledge to navigate the new NHS. Their rich insight will be complimented by real world case studies from national and local NHS leaders who are spearheading these transformational changes.

The event is supported by HSJ, the UK’s leading intelligence service for healthcare leaders.

Why you need to attend

  1. Get real world insights from NHS leaders to better understand their challenges
  2. Gain knowledge of the changing NHS to perform more effectively in your role
  3. Interact with Wilmington Healthcare experts to get your specific questions answered
  4. Acquire a comprehensive NHS update by investing just one day out of the office


Download the full programme and speaker line-up >>

Framing the current NHS environment

  • Setting the scene – clarifying how the system fits together
  • How The Five Year Forward View is guiding change and reviewing progress to date

What’s happening to commissioning – are CCGs still relevant?

  • Outlining the status of CCGs now STPs and ICSs are here
  • How to plan your commercial strategy to take advantage of the changes

Moving to population health – Identifying the opportunities as STPs transition to ICSs

  • Gain unique insight in to what the STP Plans actual mean in practice from an industry expert
  • Hear an STP plan brought to life by a system leader to understand how your organisation can support

Exploring how ICSs will evolve into Integrated Care Organisations (ICOs) and transform the NHS

  • Find out from NHS England their vision for ICOs and their projected timeline
  • Get clarity on the role of NHS England in supporting and developing the ICO programme and their measures of success

Building the customer landscape so your organisation can navigate the new NHS

  • Analysis of what the new customer landscape in the NHS looks like and how you can develop and retain these relationships
  • Gain intelligence on who the clinical and financial decision makers are in the new NHS and what you need to do to engage with them

Confirmed speakers

Douglas Findlay, Co-Chair of the Academic Health Science Network of Networks and the Oxford Academic Health Science Network Patient Experience Operational Group
John Chater, Solutions Director, Education and Learning, Wilmington Healthcare
Oli Hudson, Content Director, Wilmington Healthcare.
Dave West, Senior Bureau Chief, HSJ
Steve How, Business Development Director, Wilmington Healthcare

How to register

Book online
Download the booking form and register by email

Wilmington Healthcare reserve the right to change the agenda and/or speakers at any time.


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Syed Ali
Events Sales Team Leader
020 7608 9072

Customer service

Zara Williams
Event Coordinator
020 7608 9086