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Webex: Respiratory in the NHS

Do you work in the fields of asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

Several developments in the NHS are affecting patient care and prescribing in your therapy area – the role of STPs, accountable care, RightCare and the efficiency agenda.

With only a third of asthma patients receiving adequate care according to an Asthma UK survey, wide variation in service standards, and a £1.1bn NHS spend, this is a new area of focus for the NHS. How can industry engage, and what will be the role of game-changing new therapies?

Respiratory illnesses management is improving – but this means many elderly patients need extra NHS resources. Is this the time for a move into primary and community care for respiratory conditions, and if so, how should industry respond?

In this one-off webex, you can let us guide you through the latest developments in your therapy area.

Key webex outcomes:
– Understand the state of asthma care across the nation and the role of variation in standards of care, through an examination of patient surveys and the latest policy thinking in this area
– See how medication has a role in primary care provision to reduce the risk of exacerbations, hospitalisations and deaths. In addition, its role in bringing down costs including the use of STP ‘Where to Look’ packs, with opportunities for improving care across the three main respiratory treatment pathways: asthma, COPD and lung cancer
– Understand how the new game-changing asthma treatments could change pathways and disease management for patients

Douglas Findlay, NHS advocate, board member and lead

Bookings are taken on a strictly first come, first served basis, and numbers are limited to 50.

For further information please contact the Wellards events team on 01892 752407 or