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Gadgets and apps aim to save lives and millions

What benefits will innovations bring?

NHS England’s innovation programme has launched 11 new ideas, apps and gadgets it says will improve care, save lives and save millions of pounds.

The NHS Innovation Accelerator (NIA) aims to facilitate the uptake of ideas that benefit patients, the population and NHS staff.

NIA’s latest batch of innovations will be adopted by the 15 NHS academic health science networks (AHSNs). They are:

  • RespiraSense, which provides continuous data about breathing via chest movement
  • HaMpton, which allows pregnant women to put blood pressure readings and urine test results into an app so they can be monitored for pre-eclampsia in real time
  • WaitLess, an app that directs patients with minor injuries to the quickest source of treatment by analysing traffic and wait times
  •, which allows patients to photograph a urine dipstick at home and send it to a doctor for analysis
  • CATCH, an app that gives parents information about child health to reduce inappropriate use of NHS services
  • ESCAPE-pain, a six-week group programme for osteoarthritis
  • FREED, a rapid early response intervention for young people with eating disorders
  • Lantum, a tool that helps providers fill empty shifts
  • My Diabetes My Way, a self-management platform for people with diabetes
  • Oviva Diabetes Support, a remote programme of education about diabetes type 2
  • ORCHA, which helps providers develop health app portals, giving professionals access to verified apps

Further information

NHS Innovation Accelerator: World-best innovations supporting primary care and urgent and emergency care join NHS innovation Accelerator