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Innovation centre for respiratory disease planned for Wales

Will centre make a difference to patient outcomes?


Welsh Health Secretary Vaughan Gething has announced funding of £2.5m to create a centre in Wales that aims to develop new ways of preventing and tackling respiratory disease.


The Respiratory Innovation Centre is claimed to be the first of its kind in the UK.


Health professionals, academics and business people will work together to develop, test and implement the techniques, said Mr Gething.


The funding is for three years, after which the centre is expected to become self-financing by making profit and getting funding from other sources.


Mr Gething said that by becoming commercially viable the centre will help create jobs and economic growth in the area.


At present three sites within the Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University and Hywel Dda University Health Board areas are being considered for the centre.


Mr Gething said improving the respiratory health of the people of Wales is a major challenge for healthcare services. In 2016/17, 8% of the Welsh population reported having a respiratory condition, and respiratory diseases caused just over 15% of deaths in 2016, he said.


Further information

Welsh Government: £2.5m to develop new ways to tackle respiratory disease in Wales