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Kent and Medway CCGs in joint leadership and possible merger talks

How is the leadership of CCGs in Kent and Medway set to change?

Eight clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) in the Kent and Medway area are discussing developing a ‘single strategic commissioner’ led by a joint committee.

A single accountable officer is likely to be appointed within months and the move could lead to a merger of CCGs in the area from next year, according to West Kent CCG papers examined by Health Service Journal editors.

The merger would create a single commissioning body across two top tier local authorities, Kent County Council and Medway Council, and would cover a population of around 2m.

In a joint statement, the CCGs said there is a need for the commissioning of some aspects of NHS care to be more joined-up. A strategic commissioner would:

  • establish strategic priorities and plans to improve the health and wellbeing for the population of Kent and Medway
  • commission services from a small number of health and care partnerships, which would join up the delivery of frontline services
  • directly commission some services including specialised services for the whole of Kent and Medway

West Kent CCG papers outline a plan in which providers in each area would be brought together to take collective responsibility for achieving outcomes, and the STP’s programme responsibilities would move to the single strategic commissioner.

An interim structure would see a single accountable officer for all CCGs, two managing directors, a director of acute strategy, director of strategic commissioning partnerships and a director of nursing and quality. The STP would appoint a medical director and a programme director.

Some of the CCGs already have shared posts, including at accountable officer level.

Further information

HSJEight CCGs contemplate merger

NHS England: Refreshing NHS plans for 2018/19