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Blood borne pathogens are infectious micro-organisms that cause human diseases. The most common and dangerous pathogens spread through blood in hospitals are viruses. Some 26 different viruses have been shown to be responsible for occupational exposure in healthcare and transmission.

This course has been developed for anyone who may be reasonably anticipated to face contact with blood and other potentially infectious materials as the result of performing their job duties.


One module and a ten question exam.

Learning outcomes

  • Identify the risks in acute healthcare to the workforce from blood borne pathogens
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the reduction of risks
  • Ensure that in the event of injury there is knowledge of how to respond
  • Describe diseases caused by the three most common blood borne viruses (BBVs)
  • Outline aspects of the EU sharps directive
  • Describe passive and active safety engineered medical devices

Hospital and Theatre Access suite – includes all courses

£39+ VAT

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