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Knowledge Hub

[On-demand webinar] Going Live: The ICS Landscape

Register below to watch our on-demand webinar from 29 June helping you to navigate the new NHS at every level

The webinar is an unmissable opportunity for NHS suppliers to explore the commercial reality of the new ‘live’ integrated care systems, covering these 5 key topics, the webinar will enable viewers to better understand how to work more effectively with their NHS partners:

  1. Successful stakeholder mapping
  2. Decision making units at place and system level
  3. Changes to patient pathways
  4. How to build ‘to-do’ lists for different commercial scenarios
  5. Best use of time and resource in the new landscape

Our expert Wilmington Healthcare panel for this webinar will guide you through navigating the new NHS at every level:

Simply complete the form below to watch the webinar from 29 June on-demand: