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Knowledge Hub

[On-demand webinar] The State of the Nation: Effective Brand Planning with NHS Insights

Register below to watch our on-demand webinar from 29 March examining how to best use NHS insight to create effective brand plans

State of the Nation: Effective Brand Planning with NHS Insights

This new webinar for all suppliers to the NHS supports the release of our forthcoming publication The State of the Nation: 2023. In the webinar we use the full power of our comprehensive data and analysis services to show you where the NHS is at, where it is going and what it needs from Industry.

Watch to view our principal consultant, and director of NHS Insight Paul Midgley, content director Oli Hudson and HSJ editor Alistair McLellan as we explore demographics, health inequalities, hospital capacity, progress in therapy areas, NHS KPIs, prescribing insights and regional variation – and give you pointers on how such insights as this can be employed in your strategy and brand planning for the year 23/24.

Simply complete the form below to register and watch the webinar on-demand: