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London-wide healthcare and social care devolution to boost services

What is London’s services devolution designed to achieve?

Government ministries, top-level NHS organisations, local authorities and clinical commissioning bodies have signed a healthcare devolution deal.

Its aim is to allow London-wide planning and delivery of healthcare and social care services for London’s often fast growing and mobile people, which also includes a rapidly growing older population.

The national bodies are expected to work with London at local, multi-borough and London-wide levels to enable services that are currently separate to provide more joined-up care and to implement appropriate payment models.

These include payments systems designed to provide appropriate incentives where patients with chronic conditions are managed in the community rather than in hospitals.

Regulation is also to be reorganised to cover the new delivery ‘systems’ rather than individual providers, and to support prevention, early intervention and integration.

The London Health and Care Collaboration Agreement signatories also plan to:

  • incentivise London trusts to sell unused land and buildings totalling some £900m in value, and to use the funds to build improved GP surgeries, community services and hospitals
  • tackle childhood obesity. London has a higher rate of childhood obesity than any peer global city and any region in England, and two out of five 10-11 year olds are overweight or obese
  • address Londoners’ problems with stress and depression, smoking and problem gambling

Further information London health devolution agreement London health and care devolution