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MMIP urges government investment in medicines manufacturing sites

Will the government invest in medicines manufacturing centres of excellence?

A pharma group is pressing the government for help to build four medicines manufacturing centres of excellence across the UK.

The Medicines Manufacturing Industry Partnership (MMIP)* says the centres would provide high-skilled jobs and help plug gaps in the UK’s capabilities in areas like diagnostics and packaging, advanced therapy production and small molecule processing.

In a report, Page Content

Manufacturing vision for UK pharma, the MMIP sets out a list of things it wants, including:

  • a medicines manufacturing innovation centre in Scotland capable of providing a clinical supply of medicines and further develop manufacturing capabilities
  • an open-access site to allow the manufacturing of complex medicines and handling of high-potency materials
  • a centre to support the development of the next generation of packaging technology and smart devices required for new types of medicines
  • continued support for a centre for manufacturing cutting-edge specialised cell and gene therapies

MMIP says the government has already set-aside an investment of £197m over four years to develop technologies for the manufacture of medicines that will speed up patient access to new drugs and treatments.

*MMIP represents the voice of medicines manufacturers in the UK. It was established jointly by the government and the biopharmaceutical industry in 2014.

Further information

Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI): Invest in cutting-edge R&D centres and make UK best place in the world for future medicines

ABPI: Manufacturing vision for UK pharma: Future proofing the UK through an aligned technology and innovation road map Business Secretary announces industrial strategy challenge fund investments