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New Health Secretary and ministers for Scotland

Will new ministerial team herald change in Scotland’s health service?


Scotland’s new Health Secretary is Jeane Freeman, who takes over the role from Shona Robison who has resigned.


Ms Freeman, a former chair of special health board the Golden Jubilee Foundation, and the daughter of a nurse, will be supported by mental health minister Claire Haughey and by Joe FitzPatrick, newly appointed minister for public health, sport and wellbeing.


In her resignation letter, Ms Robison said she had been facing challenges in her personal life, including losing both her parents and enduring a health scare. Opposition politicians had been calling for her to quit because of a string of problems in the NHS in Scotland including lengthening waiting times and financial issues at NHS Tayside, her local health board.


Ms Freeman was elected as an SNP MSP in 2016, having previously been a Labour Party member and a special adviser to former (Labour) First Minister Jack McConnell. She has been promoted from her previous post as minister for social security.


Further information

Scottish Government: Ministerial appointments

Scottish Government: Cabinet appointments