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NHS Improvement issues staff retention toolkit

Will NHS Improvement resources help keep staff working?


NHS Improvement has published a toolkit aimed at helping healthcare organisations to improve staff retention, following reports that the NHS is short of nurses and other staff.


The toolkit, which is available on the NHS Improvement website comprises case studies, shared learning and government policy, and information about support for new starters, benefits and rewards schemes, pensions, flexible retirement and older workers.


The documents come from a variety of sources, including the Royal College of Nursing, NHS Employers and Gov.UK, and is said to draw on the experience of trust HR directors, directors of nursing, medical directors and NHS providers.


The complex issue of nursing workforce supply was raised by NHS Improvement executive director of nursing in a letter marking International Nurses Day on 12 May.


The letter calls on trusts to prioritise staff health and wellbeing, particularly in the face of violence and harassment against staff.


Further information

BBC News: Junior doctors’ job offers withdrawn after blunder

NHS Improvement: Improving staff retention

Guardian: NHS England has one in 11 posts unfilled

Guardian: NHS England short of more than 400 specialist cancer nurses, report says