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No-deal Brexit fears prompt government plans to stockpile drugs

What is the government doing to prepare for a no-deal Brexit?


Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock has told MPs the government has plans to stockpile drugs and medical devices in preparation for a no-deal Brexit.


Answering questions from the Health and Social Care Select Committee he said the government was working on options in conjunction with industry, according to a report in the Health Service Journal (HSJ).


Mr Hancock said: ‘Since I have arrived in the Department I have asked for this work [on no-deal planning] to accelerate. I have met with industry leaders to discuss it. We’re working right across government to ensure… that people’s health will be safeguarded in the event of a no-deal Brexit.’


Further information

HSJ: Government plans to stockpile drugs in preparation for no deal Brexit

Parliament: Health and Social Care Committee

Wilmington: MPs urge Brexit negotiators to keep the UK in the EMA