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On-demand Webinar: After Covid – What Next for the NHS?

In this special webinar, first aired on 12 May 2020, Wilmington Healthcare’s leading experts examine the post covid-19 fallout, its impact on the NHS and how industry can help the nation to regain the strides that were being made in patient care across key therapy areas. They consider which aspects of NHS strategy continue, and that have even accelerated under the crisis, and look especially at how the NHS will need to re-organise to cope with a post-covid world.

Our panel included:

  • Paul Midgley, Patient Leader PPEC member at Greater Nottingham CCGs, and Account Director, Wilmington Healthcare
  • Dave West, Deputy Editor, HSJ
  • Oli Hudson, Content Director, Wilmington Healthcare

Dave West provide sthe latest on the NHS response, while Paul Midgley and Oli Hudson look at how industry is reacting

To view the webinar and find out more about everything that Wilmington Healthcare has to offer, please complete the form below.