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Scottish health boards forecast funding deficit for current financial year

Will Scottish Government be forced to bail out financially troubled NHS boards?


Scottish health boards expect to overspend by £131.5m by the end of the financial year, based on the position at the end of May.


Four health boards — NHS Tayside, NHS Ayrshire and Arran, NHS Borders and NHS Highland —expect to need financial support in the form of loans from the Scottish Government (known as brokerage) to the tune of £70.9m.


In-year pressures identified in the first two months of the financial year 2018/19 include pay and drugs costs, but it is anticipated that the overall predicted overspend will lessen as the year progresses.


This information is contained in the first monthly publication of NHS Scotland finances. The Scottish Government has committed to making this information public following concerns about the financial position of NHS Tayside.


Further information

Scottish Government: NHSScotland consolidated financial reporting

Scottish Government: NHS Scotland finances