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Soundbites from the NHS: Access to cancer therapies – Understanding the challenges of pharmacy aseptic manufacturing units

In this new series in our ‘Soundbites from the NHS’, we speak to Rob Duncombe, Chief Pharmacist for The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust for a conversation dedicated to understanding the challenges of pharmacy aseptic manufacturing units.

Watch each episode in the series chronologically by clicking the videos below:

Episode 1: The challenges of the aseptic manufacturing units


Episode 2: Overcoming the challenges


Episode 3: Capacity issues influencing treatment choices


Episode 4: Are treatment change decisions being made locally or by the cancer alliances?


Episode 4: Are treatment change decisions being made locally or by the cancer alliances?


Episode 5: Demonstrating the value of switching treatments


Episode 6: Challenges for the NHS & aseptic manufacturing units forward


Episode 7: Implications of the closures of aseptic manufacturing units


Episode 8: What can industry do to support manufacturing of cancer treatments?