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Soundbites from the NHS: The Workforce: Pharmacist

For the third series in ‘Soundbites from the NHS’, Jyoti Singh speaks to Danny Bartlett, a Board Member for the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Senior Lecturer at the University of Brighton, and Lead Pharmacist at Horsham Central PCN.

Last year, in 2023 the workforce plan came out, setting out the landscape of how the workforce will be shaped going forward and what we are trying to achieve. We will be discussing workforce in terms of pharmacists.

In 2026, we will have a number of pharmacists that are prescribers. How are we training up this workforce to take on all these new roles being required of them?

Watch each episode in the series below:

Episode 1: Training up the new pharmacist workforce


Episode 2: Pharmacists prescribing competencies, roles and responsibilities


Episode 3: PCN prescribing roll out examples


Episode 4: Prescribing workforce and challenges


Episode 5: Prescribing workforce and challenges


Episode 6: Role of external agencies such as industry and charities