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Soundbites from the NHS

Soundbites from the NHS provides insight and examples of practical applications of implementing policy at system level.

Produced with our NHS audiences and industry partners in mind, Jyotika Singh, Principal Consultant at Wilmington Healthcare, will be exploring:

  • The delegation of specialised commissioning
  • How data is being used to measure healthcare inequalities, and what data points the NHS is looking at
  • The preparation of a new workforce with the new pharmacist prescribes coming out in 2026
  • Collaborative working and partnerships


Series 1 | Delegation of specialised commissioning

Soundbites from the NHS: Delegation of specialised commissioning


In this first series in our ‘Soundbites from the NHS’, we speak to Mohammed Asghar, Associate Director of Pharmacy: Prescribing Governance at Frimley Health and Care ICS for an exploratory conversation on the delegation of specialised commissioning, what it means for 2024/25, and what Industry needs to consider.

Watch here.


Series 2 | State of health and healthcare inequalities

Soundbites from the NHS: State of health and healthcare inequalities

The second series in ‘Soundbites from the NHS’ sees Jyoti Singh joined by Andi Orlowski, Health Economist & Director of the Health Economics Unit, as well as a senior advisor on Population Health Management for NHS England.

Watch here.


Series 3 | The workforce: The Pharmacist

Soundbites from the NHS: The Workforce: The Pharmacist

For the third series in ‘Soundbites from the NHS’, Jyoti Singh speaks to Danny Bartlett, a Board Member for the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Senior Lecturer at the University of Brighton, and Lead Pharmacist at Horsham Central PCN.

Last year, in 2023 the workforce plan came out, setting out the landscape of how the workforce will be shaped going forward and what we are trying to achieve. We will be discussing workforce in terms of pharmacists.

Watch here.

Series 4 | Collaborative working – Insight from an ICB

In series 4 of ‘Soundbites from the NHS’ Jyoti Singh is joined by Ellen Rule, Director of Transformation in Gloucestershire, also Deputy Chief Executive at Gloucestershire ICB, for a discussion on collaborative working/partnerships for industry working with the NHS.

Together they ask, what needs to be considered?

Watch here


Series 5 | Collaborative working – Insight from an PCN

In this fifth and final series in ‘Soundbites from the NHS’, Jyoti Singh is joined by David Thorne, Transformation Director at Well Up North PCN, who will explaining how they have bought about transformation through collaborative working and partnership working within their PCN.

Watch here