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STPs on route to fail, says report

Can STPs deliver a better future for the NHS?

Sustainability and transformation plans will not deliver a better future for the NHS as they stand, says a report from the London South Bank University (LSBU).

The critical review of all 44 STPs says that to achieve their objectives they would have to be given more powers, support for collaboration and clarification on their role.

The authors recommend that STP leaders identify changes that are evidence-based, develop workforce plans that match their ambitions, and focus on reducing demand before removing resources from the acute sector.

They state: ‘At present some elements of these recommendations are missing in all of the 44 published STPs.’

In addition, none of the STPs, according to the report, are ready for implementation due to:

  • funding shortfalls
  • lack of clarity on the role of the STP and its leadership
  • speed of planning that was required
  • failure to ensure engagement with local government
  • failure to produce adequate business plans

Co-author of the report, health economist Seán Boyle, said: ‘This report recommends a constructive overhaul of each of the 44 STPs, looking at the appropriate framework for that work in terms of geographic area and what parts of the health and care system should be involved.’

Further information

LSBU: Can sustainability and transformation plans deliver a better future for the NHS?

Wellards: Analysis suggests some STPs will be hit by new demands for cost cutting