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Three trusts to get help with finances from special measures programme

Will special measures make a difference to trusts’ finances?

Three trusts with a projected deficit of £145m are to get help to achieve ‘rapid financial improvement’.

The trusts being put into financial special measures are St George’s University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, North Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust and University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust.

NHS Improvement chief executive, Jim Mackey, said trusts which meet their financial plans provide better quality services to patients.

Other trusts in special measures have had help with managing the permanent workforce to avoid costly temporary staff, ensuring money is not spent without the proper checks and controls and improving efficiency and productivity.

Two trusts put in financial special measures last year have already improved enough to exit the programme, says NHS Improvement. The regulator adds that the programme has saved the NHS approximately £100m in 2016/17 so far.


  • At a time of chronic underfunding in the NHS, and more trusts forecasting deficits and entering special measures, a long-term solution to pressure on the health service needs to be found

Further information

NHS Improvement: Three trusts to enter financial special measures and receive additional support

NHS Improvement: Strengthening trusts’ financial and operational performance for 2016/17