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West Yorkshire and Harrogate STP starts move to shared control total

How is West Yorkshire and Harrogate STP progressing to a shared control total?

Leaders of West Yorkshire and Harrogate sustainability and transformation partnership (STP) are drafting an agreement that would commit NHS organisations in the area to work to a shared control total.

The move, which is the first such plan by an STP to be made public, will be in line with the refreshed plan for the financial year 2018/19 published by NHS England earlier this month.

The agreement is to take the form of a memorandum of understanding to be signed by the STP’s councils, commissioners and providers, according to a report published by the Health Service Journal.

STP leaders are also said to be discussing moving away from the payment by results tariff to what is described as ‘risk share arrangements’ and ‘outcome based contracting’.

The agreement provides for the establishment of a new STP-wide oversight and assurance group.

The STP has also published a report, outlining its plans up to 2020/21, which include 50 integrated neighbourhood teams, creating centres of excellence for specialist services, standardising commissioning and acute pathways.

Further information

HSJSTP moves towards shared control total

Website: West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership