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Licensed data from NHS Digital

Wilmington Healthcare processes record level, pseudonymised, non-sensitive, Hospital Episode Statistics (HES), Diagnostic Imaging Dataset (DIDs) and Mental Health Services Dataset (MHSDS) under license from NHS Digital.

All Wilmington Healthcare solutions that incorporate these datasets are small number suppressed in line with the HES Analysis guide. These datasets are stored and processed securely in line with ISO27001:2013 standards.

The data are being used in the delivery of tools or bespoke analysis solutions to support the NHS either directly or indirectly through non-NHS organisations. These solutions are provided to offer services for commissioners, providers and NHS suppliers that use the data analysis and service modelling to deliver improved service delivery and improved patient outcomes.

Examples of disease insight reports, based upon this data, that have been produced by Wilmington Healthcare can be found here:

Acquired brain injury insight report

Multiple Sclerosis disease insight report

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