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Improving care pathways

Our Healthcare Consultancy team helps customers to engage with NHS transformation leads, commissioners, providers, procurement and clinicians by evaluating the variation between optimal and suboptimal patient pathways and developing economic value propositions using our unique methodology to create Costed Integrated Patient Scenarios.

Our Costed Integrated Patient Scenarios are presented in an NHS-aligned patient case format, creating relatable stories that are essential for communicating the impact across multidisciplinary teams.

Would you like to learn more about how we work with our clients?

Click here to see examples in cardiovascular disease.

Click here to see examples in eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE).

Click here to see examples in dermatology.

Would you like to learn more about how we work with our clients?

Click here to see examples in cardiovascular disease.

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Costed Integrated Patient Scenarios: a unique methodology

Wilmington Healthcare’s Consultancy team has created a methodology which can be applied to a wide range of areas, from surgical care to the management of people with long term conditions. Watch our animation to learn more about our approach.

(You will need to watch this video in Chrome, Firefox or the latest version of Microsoft Edge.)

The Costed Integrated Patient Scenarios methodology identifies the key components of an optimal best practice pathway compared to an existing or suboptimal pathway where care is reactive and unplanned. The methodology takes into account economic, health and social care issues, supported by data analytics to provide a costed analysis of optimal practice with detailed pathway costs.

Costed Integrated Patient Scenarios can kickstart conversations with commissioners and transformation leads, providers, procurement departments and clinicians. These conversations demonstrate a real understanding of whole system costs and show how changes can be made to improve patient outcomes, save money and help the NHS deliver preventative, population-based care.

Sid’s Story: chronic kidney disease

NHS nephrology services are responsible for managing people with kidney failure which may occur as a result of chronic kidney disease (CKD) or acute kidney injury (AKI). Around 3 million people in the UK today have CKD, with uncontrolled diabetes and high blood pressure the biggest causes.

This report, Sid’s Story, provides clarity on the issues faced in managing CKD when dialysis has to be the modality of choice by bringing the scenarios to life in a very realistic way.

Malcolm’s Story: Improving the referral pathway

Increasing numbers of patients with aortic stenosis (AS) are waiting for TAVI in the UK and this situation will have worsened after the Covid-19 pandemic. A number of these patients will require pacing, but different centres across the UK have different approaches in terms of patient management and technology choices, and there is significant variation in the rate of post-TAVI PPI across centres. A unified strategy is required to ensure that patients receive a consistent level of care, with the aim of reducing waiting times to access TAVI, reducing PPI where possible and optimising patient outcomes.

An advisory board meeting highlighted that there is much scope to increase the capacity for TAVI procedures within the NHS by the introduction of true integrated care, which could improve the referral pathway for patients and increase the efficiency of tertiary centre multidisciplinary teams.

Download the white paper or view Malcolm’s story (featured on the right of this page), or view our interview with consultant cardiologist Dr Clare Appleby.