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Winter pressures budget cash came too late, says NHS Providers

What are the prospects for hospital trust performance this winter?

An extra £335m to help trusts meet winter demand announced in the 2017 Budget in November has come late and cannot be used to best effect, NHS Providers has warned.

A briefing released by the organisation outlining preparations made for the winter says trusts will use the money to pay for agency staff for escalation wards.

It will also be used to reduce delayed transfers of care by purchasing social care places and community provision to get patients out of hospital quickly.

The NHS now starts planning to meet the extra demand earlier than in past years, according to the briefing.

In April the Government provided £100m to bring primary care streaming into emergency departments.

NHS Providers will be monitoring the effect of winter pressures by publishing weekly data through its NHS Winter Watch.

Further information

NHS Providers: Ready and resilient? How NHS trusts have prepared for winter

NHS Providers: Winter watch