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Anti-ACO campaigners win permission to appeal

What are NHS campaigners trying to achieve   The Court of Appeal has granted NHS campaigners permission to appeal against a High Court...

MPs say legislation hinders integration drive

Is the Health and Social Care Act 2012 preventing the NHS integrating services   MPs say integration of health services and the...

NHS England wins first ACOs legal battle

What will be the outcome of the battle over the legality of ACOs   NHS England has won the first round of its battle against legal...

Campaigners argue ICOs not permitted by Health and Social Care Act

What is the ICO campaigners' legal argument Campaigners have told a High Court judicial review that the NHS would be exceeding its legal powers if...

Experts disagree about privatisation dangers

Why does the King's Fund's Professor Chris Ham argue privatisation is not an issue for integrated care The arguments that accountable care or...

Managing local population needs is key for the NHS

Steve How, Paul Midgley and Sue Thomas, of Wilmington Healthcare, explore population-based planning in the NHS and what this means for...

NHS England plans second ACO contract consultation

Why has NHS England delayed the introduction of ACOs NHS England has announced it will hold a further consultation on how a new accountable care...

New NHS care models require innovative, partnership approach from pharma

Steve How, Paul Midgley and Sue Thomas, of Wilmington Healthcare, explore how pharma should respond to the NHS’s move towards more collaborative,...

NHS should cut regulators, commissioners and simplify STPs, says Mackey

After two years at NHS Improvement, what does Jim Mackey think should be the health service's next moves Rationalising regulators and commissioners...