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Diabetes UK report slams inpatient safety

What's wrong with the patient safety for diabetes patients   Diabetes UK has called on providers and commissioners to improve the safety of...

Trusts complain that efficiency measures are unsustainable

What are providers' thoughts on long-term efficiency measures   Providers want changes to the NHS efficiency strategy to be included in the...

CQC boss says patients face ‘integration lottery’

How is the health and care sector faring in England   Care Quality Commission (CQC) researchers say people's experience of healthcare...

Hancock announces patient safety strategy

Is technology the key to better patient safety   Health Secretary Matt Hancock has announced a national strategy for patient safety will be...

Half of eligible 40-74 year olds still missing NHS health check, says Diabetes UK

What is the reason for the large regional and local variation in health check take-up rates   An analysis of local government figures has...

CQC looks to cut number of never events

How easy will it be to enforce universal rules   The Care Quality Commission has warned that clinical autonomy is being put above patient...

Hospital deaths from sepsis jump by more than a third

Will the number of deaths from sepsis continue to rise   According to data collected by Professor Sir Brian Jarman, director of the Dr...

MPs blast NHS England for contract ‘shambles’ with Capita

How is NHS performing when outsourcing services   MPs have described NHS England's outsourcing of primary care support services to Capita as...

Regulator says care for older people needs reform

Will a CQC review of local authorities help improve care for older people   A review by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) of health and...

New money and legislation to boost NHS England’s health reform plans

How is the Government planning to enable the next round of health reform   NHS England led by chief executive Simon Stevens is to draw up a...

Three acute trusts to form alliance in the South West

How is the new alliance planning to tackle its problems   Royal United Hospitals Bath Foundation Trust, Great Western Hospitals FT and...

PM to give NHS a ‘significant’ cash boost

Will PM Theresa May's funding boost be enough to maintain standards of care   Prime Minister Theresa May is planning a 'significant' cash...

Capita’s delivery of primary care support services unacceptable, says NAO

In light of NAO report, how can primary care services return to acceptable level   A National Audit Office (NAO) report says that it is...

NHS Improvement issues staff retention toolkit

Will NHS Improvement resources help keep staff working   NHS Improvement has published a toolkit aimed at helping healthcare organisations...