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CQC boss says patients face ‘integration lottery’

How is the health and care sector faring in England   Care Quality Commission (CQC) researchers say people's experience of healthcare...

Hancock to provide extra £240m for social care

How much difference will £240m make for cash-strapped social care   Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock has announced an extra...

Primary care transformation takes step forward in Northern Ireland

Will team-based primary care ease pressure across the health and care system in Northern Ireland   Two areas of Northern Ireland have been...

NICE delivers quality standard for medicines use in the social care sector

What does the new quality standard for medicines in social care ask for   National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) officials...

NHS chief executive’s top five goals for 10-year plan

Will goals be achievable   NHS chief executive Simon Stevens has identified mental health, cancer, cardiovascular disease, children's...

Regulator says care for older people needs reform

Will a CQC review of local authorities help improve care for older people   A review by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) of health and...

NAO examines obstacles to joined-up care

Is funding the greatest obstacle to health and social care integration   Obstacles preventing health and social care from working together...

Tory MP slams ‘Brexit dividend’ NHS boost as ‘tosh’

Does a 'Brexit dividend' exist for the NHS Talk of a 'Brexit dividend' contributing to the boost in NHS funding promised by the government has been...

Staffordshire and Shropshire Trusts merge to form NHS’s biggest provider

What does the management at Staffordshire and Shropshire Trusts believe will be the benefits of a merger   A large trust created by a merger...

CQC highlights service variation in Birmingham and Liverpool

What has the quality regulator found wrong with Birmingham and Liverpool's health and social care services   The Care Quality Commission has...

Wales invests in joined-up care

Will a £50m fund help services to work together   The Welsh Government is to put £50m a year into joining up healthcare, social care,...

Darzi says health and care needs extra £60bn by 2030

How much more money will the NHS need over the next decade Lord Ara Darzi estimates the health and care system will need up to an additional £60bn...

LGA launches commissioning framework

How will an LGA and NHS Commissioners commissioning framework affect your customers The Local Government Association has launched the integrated...