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[Download] Coronavirus and cancer services: Exploring the impact of covid-19

What impact will covid-19 have on the delivery of cancer services Prior to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the Long-term Plan set out...

[Download] Looking Ahead: The NHS in 2020

Welcome to Wilmington Healthcare’s Looking Ahead: The NHS in 2020, where we take a look at some of the big themes emerging in the NHS this year and...

[Download] Innovations in Oncology supplement

We’re supporting the Innovations In Oncology campaign with Media Planet Launched initially throughout the Guardian, Innovations in Oncology...

[Download] NHS Autumn Review 2019

Wilmington Healthcare’s Autumn review of the NHS 2019 explores the past few months of healthcare developments, as well as the potential outcomes of...

[Download] Oncology Review 2019

Faster cancer diagnosis is a key ambition of the NHS Long-term Plan, which says that the proportion of cancers diagnosed at stages one and two should...

[Download] NHS Regional Review: London

Our second in the series of deep-dive reviews explores the NHS in London The NHS in London is changing In line with the Long-term Plan,...

[Download] The Times supplement – Combating Cancer

Through leading analysis and commentary, The Times Combating Cancer supplement showcases current trends in oncology, as well as offering insights...

[Download] NHS Regional Review: Wales

Download our first in a series of deep-dive reviews into the NHS regions & devolved nations We explore the NHS in Wales, looking at the market...

[Download] Mid-year review of the NHS 2019

Wilmington Healthcare’s Mid-year review of the NHS 2019 explains the past 6 months of healthcare developments and examines the impact these are...

The Times Medical Technology Special Report

Wilmington Healthcare feature in The Times Medical Technology Special Report Did you see our article in The Times last week We featured in...