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Regulator delays merger of neighbouring trusts

Why has NHS Improvement delayed a long-planned merger of two FTs   NHS Improvement has delayed a planned merger of two neighbouring...

250 GP practices closed or merge in a single year

What will be the impact of GP practice closures   Some 254 GP practices listed on 1 April 2017 were no longer listed on the 1 April 2018, an...

Procurement savings made ahead of schedule

Will procurement bodies meet long-term savings targets   NHS Business Services Authority and NHS Supply Chain have reported meeting a £300m...

Wales invests in joined-up care

Will a £50m fund help services to work together   The Welsh Government is to put £50m a year into joining up healthcare, social care,...

NHS finances in Scotland to come under additional scrutiny

Is the NHS in Scotland financially sustainable   Opposition politicians have called for more transparency about NHS finances in Scotland...

Scottish Health Secretary announces multi-million pound investment in primary care workforce

Will primary care workforce plan result in 800 more GPs for Scotland   Nurse and doctor leaders have given a cautious welcome to plans to...

Scottish Medicines Consortium chair defends turning medicines down

Is access to new medicines improving in Scotland   The chair of the Scottish Medicines Consortium has said that the organisation will...

Aim for a digital-first NHS, says MP

How can the NHS take full advantage of the digital age   The NHS should shed paper, pagers and faxes, says a report   Tory MP...

£18m fund announced for brain tumour research

Will the extra funding speed up the availability of new treatments   Research teams can apply for grants of up to £10m over five years to...

Campaigners argue ICOs not permitted by Health and Social Care Act

What is the ICO campaigners' legal argument Campaigners have told a High Court judicial review that the NHS would be exceeding its legal powers if...

NHS funding lags drugs spend

Is NHS funding keeping pace with spending on drugs A think-tank report claims NHS funding levels lag the growth of spending on medicines and are...

Lords raise concerns over life sciences strategy

Will the government heed concerns over life sciences strategy A report by the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee has found the...

STP delays scheduled ICS status

Why might flagship STP delay ICS status A high-flying sustainability and transformation partnership (STP) has delayed plans to become a pioneer...

Darzi says health and care needs extra £60bn by 2030

How much more money will the NHS need over the next decade Lord Ara Darzi estimates the health and care system will need up to an additional £60bn...