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Medicines regulator seeks views on plan for no-deal Brexit

Will consultation regulation following a no-deal Brexit lead to more certainty   The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency...

CDF agrees to fund promising CAR-T treatment

Is axicabtagene ciloleucel the beginning of a personalised cancer treatment revolution   A cancer drugs fund access agreement between...

NHS Improvement sets out payment system proposals

What changes are likely for the national payment system   NHS England and NHS Improvement have set out proposed changes to the national...

More needs to be done for children’s mental health says NAO

Will report make any difference   Although the government has made a start in bringing children's and young people's mental health services...

Community pharmacists in Northern Ireland claim they are on the brink of closure

Is community pharmacy in Northern Ireland in crisis   Community pharmacists in Northern Ireland (CPNI) has called for urgent action to...

Drugs for leukaemia and cancer accepted for use in Scotland

Has greater patient involvement improved access to new medicines in Scotland   Patients in Scotland are to get access to new drugs for...

Health bosses plan to eliminate 2018/19 deficit

Will NHS England and NHS Improvement plans help to eliminate the 2018/19 deficit work   NHS England and NHS Improvement are planning to...

GP practices serving 2.5m may close in five years, warns GP royal college

Are hundreds of GP practices about to close   Family practices serving 25m patients in the UK may close in the next five years as GPs leave...

Hancock announces patient safety strategy

Is technology the key to better patient safety   Health Secretary Matt Hancock has announced a national strategy for patient safety will be...

Hancock to provide extra £240m for social care

How much difference will £240m make for cash-strapped social care   Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock has announced an extra...

Virgin Care hands commissioning responsibilities back to East Staffordshire CCG

What will be the next step for East Staffordshire CCG commissioners   Virgin Care has terminated the commissioning elements of its £270m...

Lord Carter calls for standard ambulances to help procurement

Will Carter's report lead to investment in the ambulance fleet   Lord Carter has called for a standard model of ambulance to increase the...

NHS launches dashboard for patients at risk of sepsis

Will sepsis tool lead to fewer cases   The NHS has launched a tool that aims to keep track of the number of emergency admission patients who...

Health Secretary announces expansion of genomics programme

Where will the funding for the genome project expansion come from   In a speech to the Conservative party conference in Birmingham, Health...