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Children with cancer to get ‘ground breaking’ personalised therapy

Will there be more individual treatment programmes   NHS England is to make what it calls a 'ground breaking' cancer treatment for children...

Scotland’s programme for government outlines development plans for pharmacists

Will Scottish Government's programme for government improve care   Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced plans to develop...

Primary care transformation takes step forward in Northern Ireland

Will team-based primary care ease pressure across the health and care system in Northern Ireland   Two areas of Northern Ireland have been...

Half of eligible 40-74 year olds still missing NHS health check, says Diabetes UK

What is the reason for the large regional and local variation in health check take-up rates   An analysis of local government figures has...

More mental health therapists to be based in GP surgeries

Will there be enough mental health therapists and will stationing them in GP practices make a difference to health outcomes   NHS England is...

Heart failure patients ‘let down’, says charity

How can the NHS improve care for heart failure patients   The charity British Heart Foundation (BHF) has slammed the NHS for its care of...

More heart attacks and strokes predicted due to diabetes

Will enough be done to stop the rapid increase in cases of diabetes   The British Heart Foundation has predicted the number of people...

Waiting times performance continues to worsen in Scotland

Do poor waiting times figures indicate major problems in the NHS in Scotland   Numbers of patients in Scotland waiting longer than a...

Waiting times continue to lengthen in Northern Ireland

Is a lack of devolved government in Northern Ireland harming the health service   Patients in Northern Ireland are having to wait longer for...

DHSC and DExEU publish plans for no-deal Brexit

Will government plans ensure supplies continue to reach UK patients Government officials have revealed their plans for ensuring supplies of...

Category tower contract challenge dismissed

Can DHL win appeal for £730m NHS logistics contract   The high court has dismissed a challenge by a private company to an NHS logistics...

NHS England publishes procurement notices worth £28bn

Will advance notice improve transparency in the health service   NHS England has published procurement notices in specialised services for...

GPs warn on funding for clinical pharmacists in general practice scheme

Will GPs pay for the clinical pharmacists in general practice scheme when its funding ends   A review of the General practice forward view...

Tariff money to fund new procurement model

Will tariff change benefit trusts' procurement practices   NHS providers are to have more than half a billion pounds withheld from them...