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No deal Brexit could be real risk to services says NHS Providers

Will email get trusts more guidance   In a leaked email to NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens, NHS Providers says a no deal Brexit...

Experts claim there is inequality in childhood diabetes care

What next for child diabetes   Inequalities in diabetes care mean that young patients are not getting access to technologies and health...

Anti-ACO campaigners win permission to appeal

What are NHS campaigners trying to achieve   The Court of Appeal has granted NHS campaigners permission to appeal against a High Court...

Analysis shows causes of early death and ill health in Scotland

Would a greater focus on tackling inequalities lead to a healthier Scotland   The main causes of early death and disability in Scotland vary...

NHS Scotland plans to ensure medicine supply after Brexit

Would no-deal Brexit harm medicine supply in Scottish NHS   Scotland's chief medical officer Catherine Calderwood has revealed that the NHS...

Row breaks out over EMA Brexit decision to limit clinical trial transparency

What difference will the EMA decision make   A European Medicines Agency (EMA) decision to scale back its policy of releasing landmark...

BMA highlights continued uncertainty over Brexit

Is there too much uncertainty over the consequences of Brexit   BMA bosses say there is still too much uncertainty surrounding the...

Cash for NICE appraisals consultation

What is your view on charging for technology appraisals   A consultation has opened into whether the National Institute for Health and Care...

Teams named to create 10-year plan

Who are in the workstreams proposed by NHS England and NHS Improvement to create 10-year plan   NHS England and NHS Improvement are putting...

CQC looks to cut number of never events

How easy will it be to enforce universal rules   The Care Quality Commission has warned that clinical autonomy is being put above patient...

SMC gives green light to ovarian cancer medicine

Is access to new medicines improving in Scotland   A drug for advanced ovarian cancer and three other medicines have been accepted for use...

NHS England opens consultation to finalise integrated care provider contract

How can we find out about the ICP contract   NHS England officials have opened a 12-week consultation on the proposed integrated care...

DHSC plans big hike in statutory scheme medicines clawback

Will the DHSC really increase the statutory scheme clawback from 78% to 217%   A Department of Health and Social Care consultation has...

Dalton says control totals will be gone by April

Is the DHSC going to write off trust debts   Control totals will be gone at the end of the 2018/19 financial year and the Department for...