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MPs blast NHS England for contract ‘shambles’ with Capita

How is NHS performing when outsourcing services   MPs have described NHS England's outsourcing of primary care support services to Capita as...

NICE delivers quality standard for medicines use in the social care sector

What does the new quality standard for medicines in social care ask for   National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) officials...

Regulator finds NHS scan delays may be affecting patient care

How will NHS trusts address wide variations in timings   According to the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the wide variations in the time...

NHS to get extra funding for technology

How will NHS get on with embracing new technology   New Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock has announced £487m will go towards...

Cost of prescriptions in Scotland rose 25% in a decade

What is driving rising prescription costs in Scotland   Prescription costs in Scotland have risen to £13bn, up 33% on 2016/17 and up 257%...

Health boards in Scotland told to take realistic medicine approach to polypharmacy

Will guidance on polypharmacy improve prescribing in Scotland   NHS boards in Scotland have been told to take more action to avoid...

Patients in Northern Ireland waiting too long in A&E

Will drop in performance in Northern Ireland health service bring Westminster intervention   Almost a third of patients attending Northern...

Funding rules to change, promises NHS England boss

Are sustainability funding and payment by results on the way out   The next three years will see a 'wholesale shift' in funding rules, says...

NHS chief executive’s top five goals for 10-year plan

Will goals be achievable   NHS chief executive Simon Stevens has identified mental health, cancer, cardiovascular disease, children's...

Analysts issue winter warning on performance stats

What story do the summer's performance figures tell   There is no let-up in the demand for treatment, say analysts of this month's NHS...

MPs call for major overhaul of LTC care in community pharmacy contract negotiations

What changes do MPs want to see in a new community pharmacy contract   MPs of the All Party Pharmacy Group (APPG) have called for an urgent...

MPs urge Brexit negotiators to keep the UK in the EMA

Will Brexit negotiators manage to keep the UK in the EMA   MPs have voted by the slimmest of margins (305 votes to 301) for Brexit...

Think-tank detects worrying level of senior vacancies in NHS

How can shortage of NHS executives be addressed   A 'near-toxic mix of pressures' and 'a culture of blaming individual leaders for failures...

Welsh Government invests in Cardiff renal services

How much has the Welsh Government invested in Cardiff renal dialysis services   Renal dialysis services at the University Hospital for...