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Sustainability and transformation in the NHS

Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) are transforming the face of NHS commissioning. Budgets are moving and key stakeholders are changing, so it's more important than ever to keep a close eye on your target markets and ensure you understand what STPs mean for you and your customers.

STPs – we’ve got it covered

Wilmington Healthcare can help you to stay ahead of the changes critically impacting your business with our range of STP products and services, all designed to save you time understanding the landscape and to work more effectively with the new NHS.

Our STP services include:

  • Online training course – insight and explanation on structure, leadership, commissioning, KPIs, efficiency, procurement and patient pathways
  • Monitoring tools – at a glance, understand the landscape, decision makers, local priorities, strategy and operational plans
  • Market segmentation analysis – detailed insight into the levels of sophistication by organisation and footprint. Understand how market segments perform against a range of indices including secondary care burden, ability to effect change, medicines optimisation, budget management, and more
  • Training events and webinars – a comprehensive explanation of the STP process and progress, run several times during the year
  • Contact data – understand who’s who within the footprints and how to reach them
STP products and services overview

An overview of Wilmington Healthcare’s products and services covering STPs

For further information, contact the team using the form below.

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