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Hancock announces patient safety strategy

Is technology the key to better patient safety   Health Secretary Matt Hancock has announced a national strategy for patient safety will be...

Teams named to create 10-year plan

Who are in the workstreams proposed by NHS England and NHS Improvement to create 10-year plan   NHS England and NHS Improvement are putting...

GP leaders call for extra £2.5bn a year to bolster primary care

Does general practice need extra funds to strengthen primary care service   General practice needs a cash injection of £25bn a year by...

NHS chief executive’s top five goals for 10-year plan

Will goals be achievable   NHS chief executive Simon Stevens has identified mental health, cancer, cardiovascular disease, children's...

May’s funding boost not enough to counter austerity years

Is the Prime Minister's financial settlement for the NHS enough to rectify a decade of austerity   NHS Providers has warned that the extra...

10-year plan to progress without NHS Assembly input

How successful will the proposed NHS Assembly be in creating a long-term solution to the NHS crisis   A long-term plan to drive health...

NHS England proposes QOF and GP contract changes

What will be the outcome of the review into QOF   NHS England is asking for views on possible reforms to the GP contract and on a review of...

Regulator says care for older people needs reform

Will a CQC review of local authorities help improve care for older people   A review by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) of health and...

NAO examines obstacles to joined-up care

Is funding the greatest obstacle to health and social care integration   Obstacles preventing health and social care from working together...